WhatsApp is reportedly engaged on a brand new interface for its Android app. The design tweak by the Meta-owned instantaneous messaging app brings enhancements to the highest app bar and UI parts, as per a report. Within the new design, the highest bar is proven in white color, with different UI parts seen in inexperienced color. WhatsApp’s revamped design has been reportedly noticed within the WhatsApp for Android beta model, which is accessible through the Google Play Beta programme. Nevertheless, it isn’t seen to all testers but. Not too long ago, WhatsApp additionally rolled out assist for sending HD pictures and movies.
As per a report by WhatsApp options tracker WABetaInfo, WhatsApp is engaged on a brand new interface for its Android app. The design revamp was allegedly noticed within the beta model for Android, which is accessible through the Google Play Beta programme. The brand new interface continues to be underneath improvement and isn’t seen to all beta testers.
The report contains a screenshot of the brand new design. Within the screenshot, the highest app bar is seen in a white shade whereas different UI parts together with the app identify are proven in a inexperienced shade. The navigation bar is seen to be organized on the backside of the app. The WhatsApp redesign could possibly be a transfer from Meta to align itself with Google’s newest Materials Design 3 tips.
WhatsApp’s upgraded person interface for Android is prone to be out there in a future replace. It might additionally get up to date earlier than the ultimate launch. The moment messaging platform is claimed to be engaged on a design revamp of its iOS app as nicely. Based on WABetaInfo, the modifications had been noticed with the newest WhatsApp beta for iOS replace within the TestFlight app.
In the meantime, WhatsApp additionally began rolling out the flexibility to ship HD movies by a brand new toggle within the app earlier this month. It additionally rolled out assist for sending high-resolution photographs. With the WhatsApp for Android replace, customers can share movies in 720p decision as an alternative of the usual — and default — 480p decision.