Quickly after the launch of Realme GT 6T on Wednesday, Realme has confirmed that it’s bringing a brand new cellphone within the Narzo collection to India. The smartphone known as Narzo N65 5G will function an analogous watch like digicam module that we have now seen on many different Realme telephones previously just like the Realme 12 Professional, Realme P1 and even the Narzo 70 Professional.
The upcoming smartphone has been confirmed to be the primary cellphone in India to get powered by the MediaTek Dimensity 6300 5G chipset. Furthermore, the cellphone will even get IP54 ranking for splash and dirt resistance, which means the cellphone will be capable of deal with a number of water splashes or mild rainfall however not full submersion underneath water.
Realme can also be offering a Rainwater sensible contact function which can assist the smartphone carry out optimally even in moist situations. The function might additionally come in useful when utilizing the cellphone with moist fingers .
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Revealed: 23 Might 2024, 10:40 AM IST