Telegram has launched a number of recent options to make the platform extra interactive. The moment messaging platform has lately celebrated its tenth birthday with the roll out of ‘Tales for cake’. Now, customers will be capable of submit tales on channels, react with stickers and likewise add their very own music. Furthermore, the platform has added a View As soon as choice to the media and higher login alerts. Listed below are particulars on these new options:
Tales for Channels
Customers can now present entry to their desired channels to submit tales by providing them boosts. Moreover, Telegram Premium now will get one enhance which could be given to a channel. Because the channels acquire extra boosts, they stage up and can be capable of submit one further story per day to the feed of their subscribers. In an effort to subscribe for boosts, channels can ask subscribers for his or her particular hyperlink. To get a lift hyperlink on your channel, go to Channel Information> Extra>Statistics>Boosts.
Response Stickers
In a transfer to make the messaging platform extra interactive, customers in addition to channels can now add response stickers to their tales. To react with a sticker, merely faucet the cloud icon within the sticker panel, then proceed along with your favorite emoji. Notably, premium subscribers can use their customized created emojis.
Your Music in Tales
Customers can now add audio to pictures and their video tales. This enables them to create content material with even customized soundtracks, narration and extra.
View-As soon as Media
Customers can now select to ship disappearing media similar to WhatsApp and Instagram. The media can last as long as 30 seconds to View As soon as, relying upon the sender. Telegram claims that the media is deleted completely from the chat when the receiver opens it.
New Login Alerts
This characteristic permits customers to obtain a notification on all their units when another person logs into their account. Customers can faucet on to ‘No, it’s not me!’ message instantly to safe their account upon receiving any such notification from Telegram. Furthermore, the platform advises that customers should add a Two-Step Verification password by visiting Settings> Privateness and Safety> Two-Step Verification.
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Up to date: 26 Sep 2023, 10:45 AM IST