Meta owned immediate messaging platform WhatsApp is rolling out a refreshed interface on Android, which made information within the tech world a few occasions. Curiously, this revamped interface will exclude WhatsApp’s green-colour bar in the principle chat space. It’s believed that the brand new WhatsApp design would possibly resemble Google’s Materials Design 3 tips.
As per WABetaInfo, WhatsApp is all set to roll the replace for beta customers for Android replace. Beforehand, the moment messaging platform revealed that it was engaged on a brand new group chat function as a reminder system for neighborhood chats.
This replace might be obtainable to a restricted variety of beta customers initially and consists of revamped icons enhancing the general attraction of the platform. Furthermore, WhatsApp is updating the theme color for each darkish and lightweight modes together with chat bubbles and floating motion buttons.
To recall, Mint earlier reported that WhatsApp can also be reportedly planning to roll out a customized password function for protected chat folders, enhancing safety. Customers can enter this code within the search bar to entry locked chats and configure it for companion units, suggests a report from WABetaInfo.
In accordance with a report from WABetaInfo, a WhatsApp options tracker, there are plans to introduce a function that may allow customers to set a customized password for his or her protected chat folder. This function is designed to boost the safety of delicate conversations. Customers may have the choice to enter this secret code within the app’s search bar to achieve entry to their locked chats.
Moreover, configuring a secret code is predicted to permit customers to lock chats from their companion units.
The replace is reportedly being launched by the Google Play Beta program, particularly within the beta model for Android. You will need to notice that this function is at present unavailable to testers and is anticipated to be included in a forthcoming app replace.
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Up to date: 13 Oct 2023, 11:52 AM IST