Pebble has launched the Sport of Thrones smartwatch to the Indian market, debuting on a Friday. This wearable gadget incorporates a round design that encompasses a 1.43-inch AMOLED show with an always-on mode. The watch showcases interactive watch faces impressed by GoT and is bundled with leather-based straps, as per the corporate’s description. Facilitating smartphone connectivity through Bluetooth, it allows call-taking and helps numerous sports activities and health monitoring capabilities. Boasting a 250mAh battery, the Pebble Sport of Thrones smartwatch touts a standby time of as much as seven days.
Pebble Sport of Thrones smartwatch: Worth
Pebble has priced the Sport of Thrones smartwatch at Rs. 5,499 in India, and it may be bought by way of Pebble’s official web site and Amazon. The Pebble Sport of Thrones-themed smartwatch is available in Black, Gray, and Gold coloration decisions.
Pebble Sport of Thrones smartwatch: Specs
Pebble’s newly launched Sport of Thrones smartwatch incorporates a round dial accompanied by leather-based straps and a button formed like a crown. It boasts a 1.43-inch AMOLED show with the selection of an always-on mode. This newest creation from the wearable producer facilitates Bluetooth calling by way of a paired smartphone, permitting customers to reply calls straight from the watch. It’s suitable with each iOS and Android smartphones.
The unique smartwatch has the flexibility to observe various well being metrics corresponding to blood oxygen saturation (SpO2) ranges, coronary heart charge, and sleep patterns. It additionally supplies assist for monitoring numerous sports activities and health undertakings. The watch supplies interactive Sport of Thrones-themed watch faces for choice. As per the corporate, it holds an IP67 score for water and dirt resistance.
This Pebble Sport of Thrones smartwatch runs on a 250mAh battery, delivering a claimed seven days of utilization on a single cost. It options magnetic charging, as per the corporate’s specs. Further options of the watch embody a calculator app, alarm clock, torch using the watch show, stopwatch, and music controls. It weighs in at 172g.
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Up to date: 26 Aug 2023, 09:37 AM IST